Registration for our Fall Travel programs is now open through July 23! Our travel programs provide an opportunity for players to develop their skills, compete at a higher level, and have fun playing the game they love.  If you are new to our Travel program, please visit our Travel Program page for details.
See below for softball and baseball travel registration details.

Fall Travel Softball

  • Eligibility:
    • Players must have played in the Spring Rec League to register for Travel Softball
  • Divisions:
    • USA Softball publishes age charts that determine the division a player is eligible for, based on their birthdate.  The age chart is effective for the “USA Softball 2025 season”, which runs Sept 1- Aug 31.
    • Although the 2025 age chart has not yet been released, it is expected that girls would register for the below age groups:
      • Sept 2009 through August 2011 : 14U
      • Sept 2011 through August 2013 : 12U
      • Sept 2013 through August 2015: 10U
      • Sept 2015 through August 2018 : 8U
    • Players of younger divisions may play in older divisions.  “Playing down” is not permitted.
  • Rostering/Evaluations:
    • With the anticipated number of registrations and in an effort to live up to the competitive spirit of our MSBL travel league, we will be evaluating all registered players to help roster them for the upcoming 2024-2025 travel seasons.  Evaluations will be held on two dates @6:00 PM (July 15th & July 25th) with only one required to be attended.
    • Evaluations will be an average score based on the following:
      • Impartial and experienced outside party to ensure fairness and objectivity. This will be performed by the current Governor Livingston High School Softball coaches. Those coaches will receive numbers, linked to the girls attending.  No names will be known.  Assistants will also be outside of the MSBL community. All efforts to remove any potential conflicts of interest are being made.
      • Current season coach evaluations: This will utilize the same metrics as the independent assessment with the goal of reducing potential impact of children who may have had a tough day due to pressure of the evaluation.  Scores will be an average among all coaches in an effort to eliminate or reduce potential of any bias.
    • The skills assessed during the evaluations include:
      • Throwing: Players will be evaluated on their overall mechanics, accuracy and power
      • Fielding: Players will be evaluated on their ability to field ground balls, track and catch fly balls and ability to catch balls thrown to them.
      • Hitting: Players will be evaluated on their hitting mechanics, power and contact
    • For certain age groups, additional evaluations may be conducted for specialized positions:
      • Pitching: Assessment of pitching skills, including speed, control, and technique.
      • Catching: Evaluation of catching skills, such as receiving pitches, blocking balls, and throwing to bases.
    • We hope that every girl can make the evaluations so that skill assessments are the most fair and unbiased as possible.  In the event there are extenuating circumstances and are unable to attend any of the evaluations, please reach out to and we will work with all travel managers, utilizing their past coach evaluations to best place them.  If an individual does not have past season coach assessment and cannot attend the tryout session every effort will be made for them to be placed on a team.
    • Please sign up for only one of the evaluation sessions via this Signup Genius form.
  • Jerseys:
    • Parents may order uniforms directly from our uniform vendor. All Mandatory Uniform items are available for purchase.
    • *Softball Only* A new jersey is not required for the Fall season. Players can wear their summer white jersey. If you did not register in summer, you will need to purchase the white jersey.
    • Click Here to go to the uniform vendor website. (Apparel will be available on the website tomorrow, July 9th)
    • Other equipment parents must provide is shown on our Travel page > Equipment tab.
  • Registration Fees:
    • Early Bird Registration:  $275, July 8-17
    • General Registration: $300, July 18-22
  • Questions?  Please email
  • Registration Links:

Fall Travel Baseball:

  • Eligibility:
    • Players must have played in the Spring Rec League to register for Travel Baseball
  • Divisions:
    • 7U through 12U will be offered
    • Players of younger divisions may play in older divisions.  “Playing down” is not permitted.
  • Rostering:
    • Team rosters will be the same as summer, however we may need to adjust this depending on registration numbers.
  • Jerseys:
    • Parents may order uniforms directly from our uniform vendor. All Mandatory Uniform items are available for purchase.
    • “Baseball Only​* Both the green and white alternative jersey will be available for purchase. Please check with your manager on required uniforms for the fall season BEFORE placing your order.
    • Click Here to go to the uniform vendor website. (Apparel will be available on the website tomorrow, July 9th)
    • Other equipment parents must provide is shown on our Travel page > Equipment tab.
  • Registration Fees:
    • Early Bird Registration:  $300, July 8-17
    • General Registration: $325, July 18-22
  • Questions?  Please email
  • Registration Links:

Thank you