The Mountainside Softball and Baseball League (MSBL) would like to inform the community of some recent changes to its organization. The following individuals have retired from the board after many years of committed service:
  1. Andrew Adornato (President)
  2. Steve Filliaci (Vice President)
  3. Mike Liloia – Rec Baseball – Major League VP
  4. Joanne Rinaldi – Rec Softball – Division 1 VP
We thank you for your contribution to Mountainside and for the hard work required to provide an amazing Softball/Baseball experience for our children.
With these departures the board has elected the following individuals to new positions:
  1. Dana Guidicipietro (Vice President and Baseball Commissioner)
  2. Jamie Quinn (Secretary and Softball Commissioner)
  3. Douglas Guenther (President)
For a complete list of our Board Members, click here.
If you are interested in being part of the MSBL organization, please read our “How You Can Help” page and email us at